本日、弊社『柴田晃一』が作曲家デビュー25周年/Today, our CEO “Koichi Shibata” celebrates his 25th anniversary as a composer.
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Today, our CEO ‘Koichi Shibata’ celebrates his 25th anniversary as a composer.

2000年『Neo Licca』(日本コロムビア)Quiqman名義で作曲家、アレンジャーとしてデビュー
ダンスマニア(東芝EMI)シリーズのRemix、Nonstop mixを歴任
2021年、USAから世界発信のアーケードゲーム『StepManiaX』への楽曲提供と自身もシンガーQuiqmanとして『COSMIC DRIVE』リリース
2023年、アシヤラジオにて柴田晃一のextream hobbyが放送開始、ロサンゼルスのTJSラジオでもネット局放送開始。(木)21:15/L.A.22:00
今後とも柴田晃一/QuiqmanとKAZE JAPAN RECORD所属ミュージシャンへのご支援賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
Debuted as a composer and arranger under the name Quiqman on Neo Licca (Columbia) in 2000.
Remix and Nonstop mix for the Dance Mania (Toshiba EMI) series.
2014, Composed ‘Watashi Reef‘, included in AKB48’s ‘Tsuguino Ashiato’ (Japan Gold Disc Award Album of the Year).
In 2015, the contest will be held behind the 5th inning of a game hosted by Yokohama Stadium. Composition and arrangement of Yokohama DeNA Bay Stars’ Happy Star☆Dance.
In 2021, he will provide music for the world-famous arcade game StepManiaX from USA and release COSMIC DRIVE as singer Quiqman himself.
In 2023, Koichi Shibata’s extreme hobby begins broadcasting on Asiya Radio, and a network station begins broadcasting on TJS Radio in Los Angeles.(Thu) 21:15/L.A. 22:00.
From 2024, the company is promoted to full member of JASRAC, the Japanese Society for Copyright in Music.
Today, Koichi Shibata continue to work energetically every day to produce music.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Koichi Shibata’s debut, we are planning to produce a special piece of music.
The production is progressing well and the schedule for completion is on schedule, so we hope that you will all look forward to it.
Once completed, the song will be available for sale, including distribution on various digital stores.
We will announce the details of the commemorative piece at a later date, so please wait for a while.
We hope you will continue to support Koichi Shibata/Quiqman and the musicians of KAZE JAPAN RECORD in the future.