紅音-akane- New Single [天]2023.6.27 Release(iTunes Store の “演歌 トップソング” (スウェーデン、イギリス、アメリカ)三ヵ国で1位 (日本) 3位を記録 (2023年06月27日) )
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紅音-akane- New Single [天]2023.6.27 Release
先月リリースしたBlue birdを歌った「久野藍」が、紅音に電撃加入!

●紅音-akane-[天] TEN ご購入はこちらから/ Click☞ 紅音-akane-[天]
天 / 紅音
Produced,music,programming By Koichi Shibata
lyrics:Hideki Sugiguchi / Yusuke Abe
Shakuhachi,Photography:Kizen Oyama
Vocal,Cho:Ai hisano
Mixed By Takashi Ito
Specialising in depicting scenes of nature, AKANE’s new album captures the hours between dawn and dawning.
The dark, dark blue eastern sky gradually brightens, and both the colours and the wind awaken from a shallow dream. In the midst of this, people live and at times encounter difficulties. However, without stopping walking, this hymn expresses the grand scale of walking out of the dream and making history.
The singer’s voice walks as a single traveller through the primitive yet vast sound of shakuhachi and synthesiser with a sense of statelessness.
It is a continuation of a shallow dream, like a distant voice. null
悠久の時を越えて伝承されてきた尺八。時に力強く、時に繊細に歌うボーカル。そして、圧倒的なスケール感と地球の息吹を表現するシンセサイザーの三人による天・地・空を表すような日本の音楽アート・プロジェクト。 雄大で幻想的な自然の情景からインスピレーションを受け、それを物語のように紡ぎ作品を作り上げている。
The shakuhachi has been handed down through the ages. The vocalist sings sometimes powerfully, sometimes delicately. A Japanese musical art project by three synthesizers that express the breath of the earth with an overwhelming sense of scale, representing heaven, earth and sky. Inspired by the majestic and fantastic scenes of nature, they weave them together like a story to create their works.0